Ms. Florida US Continental

Scenes From The State Pageant

All of the Mrs., Ms., and Teen Florida contestants are ready for the production number, "Livin' In America"!

Cammie completed the Interview Competition with the Judges, and her supportive husband, Kevin, was there to cheer her on when she came out of interviews.

This counts 34% of the overall score.

Cammie also competed in the Fitness Wear (or Aerobic Wear) competition.

This counts 33% of the overall score.

The final competition is the Evening Gown competition, and Cammie is escorted by her handsome husband, Kevin!

Evening wear counts as 33% of the overall score.

Ms. Jacksonville wins Ms. Florida US Continental!




Ms. Florida - Cammie Sanders

Mrs. Florida - Debi Logan

Miss Florida Teen - Rebecca Stone

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